Saturday 3 March 2007

Menzies Campbell, leader, Liberal Democrats

Liberalism vs authoritarianism is fast becoming the philosophical divide within developed societies.
9/11 and other terrorist atrocities have heightened a sense of anxiety about security in an increasingly globalised world.
The response from governments has been to try to gain ever greater knowledge and control of the lives and activities of their citizens.
The British government is one of the worst offenders. Identity cards, the excesses of the DNA database, and a relentless drive towards extending the period of detention without trial are all symptoms of its authoritarian tendencies.
There is no “war” against terrorism. The terrorist is a criminal and should be treated accordingly.
The creeping power of the state is the order of the day, but terrorism thrives where civil liberties are denied.
Liberals must make that point forcefully and oppose and reverse the trend towards authoritarianism.

Menzies Campbell

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